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Battery and charging

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Battery type

The Saga™ logger has a rechargeable 2500mAh NiMH battery, with a lifecycle of at least 300 charge cycles. NiMH batteries are not considered hazardous goods.

Expected battery life

The Saga™ logger can be expected to function for up to 110 days on a single charge while in an active shipment based on the wake-up interval of 12 hours.

Wake-up interval

Expected battery life on a single full charge

1 hour

20 days

2 hours

35 days

3 hours

45 days

6 hours

75 days

12 hours

110 days

24 hours

>110 days


Low temperature and cellular conditions affect battery life along with any additional wake-ups (e.g., button pushes and alarms). Please follow our charging and storage guidelines.

Charging the device
The device can be charged using one of the following methods:
  • A dedicated charging station provided by Controlant, that can fit 5 devices at a time.

  • A USB charging adapter.

  • A computer USB port.

Guidelines for optimal charging performance
  • Charge each device for 6 hours and until 100% shows on the screen next to the battery with a flash symbol.

  • Leaving the device on the charger for an extended period after it's fully charged (>24 hours) is not recommended for maintaining battery health, though it presents no safety hazard.

  • The charging area or charging room should be well-ventilated and at room temperature (15-25°C / 59-77°F). The device is unable to charge if the ambient temperature is below 0°C / 32°F.

  • Make sure that the devices are standing upright and are not leaning against each other while charging.


The devices generate heat while charging, especially toward the end of the charging cycle. This temperature increase itself is one of the parameters used by the device to detect that it is fully charged.

  • Optimal charging temperature is (from 15° - 25°C / 59°- 77°F) in ventilated rooms.

    • Ambient temperatures above 30°C / 86°F, will have a negative effect on charging.

  • Maximum charging temperature is 40°C / 104°F. If the device temperature exceeds this limit, the charging process will automatically interrupt until the device cools down again.

  • Minimum charging temperature is 0°C / 32°F. If the device temperature exceeds this limit, the charging process will automatically interrupt until the device warms up again.

We recommend placing loggers in an upright position when charging. If the loggers are leaning to the side and/or against each other, their temperature might increase. If the devices are leaning to the side or against each other, or the ambient temperature is too high, they may heat up, preventing the battery from fully charging.

The device should not be placed in a shipment directly after disconnecting from a charger. As the temperature sensor on the device is inside the USB connector cable, the device should be allowed at least 30 minutes to recover after charging for the temperature measurements to be accurate.

Display behavior while charging

Immediately as the device is plugged into a charging station, a USB icon shows up for a few seconds, briefly replacing the temperature values.

Saga Saga Logger in standby mode right after plugging in to charge: screen showing chasing arrows and battery with lightning bolt icon, and USB icon.

While the device is being charged, the battery icon has a flash symbol. The battery percentage is not displayed while charging.

Battery charging icon with lightning bolt symbol.

If the internal temperature of the device reaches 40°C / 104°F, the charging process will automatically interrupt until the device cools down again. A crossed-out battery icon appears on the screen and stays on until charging resumes.

Crossed-out battery icon.

The battery is fully charged when 100% appears on the right side of the battery icon with the flash symbol.

Battery charging icon with lightning bolt symbol with 100 percent next to it.

A device wakes up when plugged into a charger. It wakes up when it's fully charged and again when it's removed from the charger.

Low power mode
Remaining battery percentage
Black half-full battery standing upright, number and percentage next to it.

The battery icon and the battery percentage next to the symbol show the remaining battery percentage. The black bar size shrinks as the battery level reduces.

Low power mode: Battery 10 percent or less

When the battery level goes below 10%, the device enters Low power mode and only wakes up every 24 hours to sync data.

In Low Power mode , the device:

  • Switches to 24-hour wake-up interval, whether in shipping mode or standby mode.

  • The display indicates Low power mode with a full-screen service message:

    Low power mode. The logger is now in low power mode. Please charge the device.

The device remains in Low power mode until one of the following happens:

  • The device battery level goes down to 5%, and the device goes into Hibernation mode.

  • The device is charged until the battery level reaches 15% and the device resumes normal operation.

Hibernation mode: Battery 5 percent or less

When the battery level reaches 5% or less, the device enters Hibernation mode and suspends everything except measuring temperature every 10 minutes.

In Hibernation mode, the device:

  • Measures temperature and logs in the memory.

  • The display indicates Low power mode with a full-screen service message:

    Low power mode. The logger is now in low power mode. Please charge the device.
  • The following functionalities are stopped in hibernation mode:

    • Modem wake-up

    • LED lights

    • Light sensor

    • Accelerometer

    • Barometer

    • Wake-up and LED behavior due to "button press" is switched off. Button events are still registered to memory.

The device remains in Hibernation mode until one of the following happens:

  • The device battery is fully depleted.

  • The device is charged until the battery level reaches 15% and the device resumes normal operation.

Storing the device

When the device is not in use, please keep in mind the following optimal storage conditions:

  • Ambient temperature between 0°C and 25°C (32°F and 77°F).

  • Relative humidity below 80%.

  • Good cellular connection. The device always communicates with the Controlant Cloud, even when not in use. Make sure not to store it in metal enclosures, or areas where the connection is poor.

  • Be mindful of battery health. Use good inventory practices (i.e., first in, first out) to reduce the time a single device spends in storage.

  • Never store a device with low battery. Charge the device if it shows the low power mode message on the screen.