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SCM release notes v2.27.x

In this section:


​Supply Chain Monitoring



Type of release


Live release date

14 May 2024

Improvements and bug fixes

  • Bug fix: When a logger placement sheet is triggered with an integer status event as opposed to string status, SCM incorrectly maps it to the wrong status and, therefore, incorrectly reacts by sending a logger placement sheet when shipments are marked as draft.

Customer impact: Low


​Supply Chain Monitoring



Type of release


Live release date

16 April 2024

Improvements and bug fixes

  • Various backend improvements: performance, monitoring, and reliability.

Customer impact: Low


​Supply Chain Monitoring



Type of release


Live release date

25 March 2024

Improvements and bug fixes

  • Enhancements in internal infrastructure

  • Fixed UI issue where the "Terms and Conditions" window closed too quickly for reading; the content remains unchanged

Customer impact: Low


​Supply Chain Monitoring



Type of release


Live release date

25 March 2024

Improvements and bug fixes

Various backend improvements

Customer impact: Low


​Supply Chain Monitoring



Type of release


Live release date

5 March 2024

Improvements and bug fixes

Shipment/Logger module updates:

  • New input field: We have added an input field to the ship/deliver modals to enable easy copy-paste of dates into the calendar for faster date and time selection.

  • Time synchronization: The time displayed in the ship/deliver modals is now automatically synchronized with the UI header time, ensuring consistency.

Request report modal improvements:

  • Timezone dropdown enhancement: Added labels "(User default)" and "(Customer default)" to indicate account and customer-specific timezones. Users retain full flexibility to select any available timezone.

Customer impact: Low


​Supply Chain Monitoring



Type of release


Live release date

28 February 2024

Improvements and bug fixes

  • Fixing SCM app to work with newer model devices.

  • App will now support Android devices that run on Android versions up until Android 12.

Customer impact: Low


​Supply Chain Monitoring



Type of release


Live release date

23 February 2024

Improvements and bug fixes

  • Bug fixes in Delivery Automation. This change is related to a pilot project and does not impact customer operations.

Customer impact: Low


​Supply Chain Monitoring



Type of release


Live release date

20 February 2024

Improvements and bug fixes

  • Various backend improvements.

Customer impact: Low


​Supply Chain Monitoring



Type of release


Live release date

1 February 2024

Improvements and bug fixes

  • Audit Trail: The timestamps in the Audit Trail have been using the system time instead of the user’s chosen time to determine the timezone. This is being changed with this patch. However, it had not been updated in the details view of the audit records but will be patched in this release.

Customer impact: Low


​Supply Chain Monitoring



Type of release


Live release date

29 January 2024

Improvements and bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that caused wrong shipment boundaries to be highlighted for excursions for shipments with notification level boundaries.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented shipment reports from being created for shipments where excursions had occurred for notification level boundaries and higher severity boundaries.

Customer impact: Low


​Supply Chain Monitoring



Type of release


Live release date

23 January 2024

Improvements and bug fixes

  • Making the Inspection Modals refresh after changing the status so the latest status is displayed upon opening it again.

  • Making the city not required when creating a location to be consistent with IAPI.

  • Fixing user interface issues with logger trace.

Customer impact: Low


​Supply Chain Monitoring



Type of release


Release announcement date

24 November 2023

UAT release date

19 December 2023

Live release date

23 January 2024

This release focuses on compliance, with Reason for change prompts being added to various parts of the interface to ensure traceability when a user edits GxP data.

In addition, we are setting up the platform for future capabilities by allowing a carrier tracking number to be added to a shipment and by creating a new type of shipment that can be managed without loggers. With these improvements, we hope to soon expand automation possibilities in our system through carrier events and get another step closer to a full zero-touch release.

Other improvements include a modification to the pending data banner in shipment reports and the possibility of viewing the logger location history for loggers that are not in an active shipment.

Finally, we continue on our journey of design consistency by updating all our UI modals and improving the UX in our interface.

For more details on all new features and improvements, keep reading.

New features

A configuration was added in SCM that will force a user to enter a Reason for change whenever GxP data is edited. The configuration will be implemented in phases. In this build, we are adding it to:

  • Shipment cancel and delete (excluding drafts)

  • Template edit and delete

  • Locations edit and delete

The configuration is located in Account Admin under settings.

Screenshot showing where and how to enter a reason for change when editing GxP data

Once turned on, a text field will appear, forcing the user to enter the comment when the key actions are triggered.

Screenshot showing text box where you enter the reason for change when editing GxP data

Once submitted, the action will be attached to the audit entry in our new Audit Trails.

Screenshot showing how the reason for change provided appears in the Audit trail
Screenshot showing how the reason for change provided appears in the Audit trail
Table 23. New


A Reason for Change will be required when a Ready shipment is Deleted


A Reason for Change is not required when deleting Draft Shipments


Reason for change cannot be empty or contain only white spaces if the configuration is turned on, and a change is submitted


When a Reason for Change is entered it should appear in the Audit Trail


User is able to enter up to 250 characters as a Reason for Change


A Reason for Change will be required when a location is edited


A Reason for Change will be required when a template is edited


A Reason for Change will be required when a shipment is Canceled

Table 24. Changed


Updated 19 Dec 2023: Requirement “SCMRS-617 Reason for Change setting is configurable per client” was removed from the list because it was being tested by the other requirements.

  • If the customer turns on the configuration for the specific action in Account Admin, all users who try to perform the action will be prompted to enter a comment that the Audit Trail will capture.

  • There will be an additional operation overhead as those actions will take a little more time to execute while the user enters the comments.

As the first step in enhancing our shipments with carrier events, we will now allow our customers to add a tracking number to their shipments in a new dedicated field.

The attached ID will be visible in the UI in the Shipment view:

Screenshot showing how the tracking number is visible in the Shipment view

We will continue building out this capability to increase our support for visibility and automation, moving us ever closer to a zero-touch release process. Please get in touch with your Customer Success representative if you're interested in this development and would like to ask questions or provide feedback.


Adding a tracking number is currently only supported through our Customer Integrations API.

Table 25. New


A shipment can have a tracking number associated with it

  • None until the configuration is turned on. The current implementation does not have any automations associated with it. It simply links a tracking number to a shipment and displays it in the UI and can only be done through Integrations API.

To expand the platform capabilities, we are adding an option for customers to create shipments without loggers.


This option will only be available through Customer Integrations API and cannot be created manually in our interface.

Shipments created without loggers will have a label in the UI for differentiation.

Screenshot of Shipment info tab showing that shipments without loggers will have the label "No temperature tracking"


Currently, customers will only be able to ship and deliver these shipments manually or through integrations until automations are added to the system in a future update.

Table 26. New


A Loggerless Shipment is supported by the system


A User cannot see temperature information on a Loggerless Shipment


A user can manually Ship and Deliver a Loggerless Shipment

A shipment status notification trial with one of our customers has been set up to allow email addresses to be subscribed to Shipment sent notifications based on lanes. In the email, users will not only receive the shipment information, but also a list of loggers and their details.

If this is something you may be interested in, please contact your Customer Success representative.

Table 27. New


A user with an email address subscribed to a shipment notification lane will receive an email with the shipment information

  • None. This is a backend capability and not yet exposed to a UI in its trial phase.

Modals in SCM have been updated to follow our new design style guide and to improve some UX flows.

One such change was to remove the “Now” option when shipping or delivering shipments and loggers to streamline the user flow. The user will by default be set to the current time, but they can change the dates manually right away.

Screenshot showing date and time configuration after changes

An extra preview step was added to the manual inspection modal to allow users to review their changes before saving.

Screenshot showing preview step
Screenshot showing preview step
Table 28. New


User is able to update inspection status for an delivered shipment

  • Changes to the date picker flow on shipment and logger send/receive modals.

  • Additional review step for manual inspection modal.

  • Style updates on all modals in our interface.

A configuration option is being added to the system, allowing customers to either show or hide the pending data banner in the shipment report if the quality status has been manually set.

The default configuration is to show the banner, so there is no impact unless the configuration is set to hide the banner. The configuration is on the account level.

Table 29. New


Pending data banner is visible in pdf report when a shipment in a closed state has data gaps and is configured so.


Pending data icons are visible in pdf report when a shipment has data gaps.

Table 30. Changed


Pending data banner is visible in pdf report when a shipment in a delivered state has data gaps.

  • No user impact unless configured not to show pending data banner.

Minor bug fixes.