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Products page provides administrators access to list of available products on the account.

The view is a read-only. Products can only be created through Integrations API.


View Product Details

The products are listed in a table format and ordered alphabetically by Product Name. To view further details, click on a selected product in the table to display further product information.


Search for Products

Use the Search input field to narrow down the list of products. It is possible to search by Product Name and Product Reference.


Product Definition

Product is defined by a set of reference fields, i.e. the product stability data and custom properties.

Product Reference Fields

Product can be defined using the following reference fields:

  • Product Reference*

  • Product Name

  • Transport conditions*

  • Product description

*Required fields.

Stability Data

The definition of product stability data. Stability data is defined with Temperature Rules and Freeze-Thaw Cycles.

Temperature Rules

Define the stability rules based on the temperature data. For each boundary, set the temperature boundaries (Lower bound and/or Upper bound)and the associated Time Budget. Definition of Product Temperature rules is required.


Freeze-Thaw Cycles

Define stability rules based on Freeze-Thaw cycles. The temperature threshold and maximum allowed cycles for each product need to be defined to utilize the function. The Freeze-Thaw Cycles definition is optional for each product.

Custom Properties

Custom Properties can be used if a further definition is needed for a product. The custom properties are optional and can be used as required between products. For example, if a custom property is defined for one product it does not need to be defined for the remaining products. It is a simple key/value pair.