Feature: Devices
This feature allows you to:
filter a set of devices
see information about a device
perform actions with a single device
perform bulk actions on multiple devices
Filter the devices
You can use filters to control which devices you see on the Devices page.
The number in the corner of the Filters button represents the number of filters applied to the list.

If you want to filter for a single device, do the following:
In the Filter by device ID box, type or paste the device ID.
The devices list appears, showing the device.
Take care to type the device id correctly or the filter will return no results.
To see the Filters dialog, click Filters.

The Filters dialog appears:

If you want to filter by customers, for each customer, in the Customer drop-down, start typing a customer's name to filter the list, or scroll down and click to select one or more customer names.
If you want to filter by firmware versions, for each firmware version, in the Firmware Version drop-down, start typing the name of the firmware release to filter the list, or scroll down and click to select one or more firmware versions.
If you want to filter by operational statuses, for each operational status, in the Operational Status drop-down, click to select one or more operational statuses:
If you want to filter by import IDs, in the Multiple IDs area, click to select Import IDs, and then do one of the following:
If you want to filter by scan ID, click Scan and then in the ID box, enter the scan ID.
If you want to filter by box ID, click Box and then in the ID box, enter the box ID.
If you want to filter by sales order ID, click Sales Order ID and then in the ID box, enter the sales order ID.
If you want to filter by tracking ID, click Tracking and then in the ID box, enter the tracking ID.
If you want to filter by device IDs, in the Multiple IDs area, do one ofthe following:
To type or paste a list of device IDs, do the following:
Click to select Add Device IDs.
In the Device IDs box, type or paste a list of device IDs, separating multiple items with a comma.
To import a comma separated file with a list of device IDs, do the following:
Click to select CSV File.
Upload the comma separated file by dragging and dropping it in the designated area, or click browse and locate the file on your machine.
The file should contain a maximum of 100.000 device IDs.
If you want to filter for devices that are not Saga devices, in the Miscellaneous area, click to deselect Only show Saga devices.
Click Apply Filters.
The Devices page appears, with the list filtered as you requested.
To see the Filters dialog, click Filters.
The Filters dialog appears:
If you want to clear all filters, click Reset Filters.
If you want to clear some filters, for each filter you want to clear, clear the filter.
click Apply Filters.
The Devices page appears, with the list filtered as you requested.
Devices table
Item | Description |
ID | Unique identifier of device. |
Description | Name of the device. Includes:
Customer | Name of customer account to which the device is registered. |
Last Wakeup | Amount of time that has passed since the device last woke up. |
Firmware Version | Version name and number of firmware that is running on the device. Note
Operational Status | Associated operating status of device: |
Active flags | Flags that are active on the device: |
![]() | Click to see available actions:
Information sidebar
Click on a row in the devices table to access information about the device.

Item | Description |
General | |
Device ID | |
Internal Temp. | |
Battery Status | |
Last Wakeup | |
Modem IMEI | |
SIM Status | |
SIM Profile | |
Active Flags | |
General shows basic information about the device.
Flags historylists all flags:
Active flags: name and operational status in full color, with datestamp and username.
Not active (i.e., removed) flags: name and operational status in gray, with datestamp and username.
To see the full name and email address of the user who performed the flagging or the comment added while flagging, hover over a row in Flags history.
Click on the three dots in the Actions column to access the list of actions available for the device.
Copy device URL
Click to copy a shareable link of the device. Clicking the link opens up the devices table in Fleet Manager with the device already filtered.
Add flags to a single device
![]() |
Add Flags.
Select one or more flags from the drop-down menu or search for a flag by typing in part of the flag's name.
Optional: Add a comment in the textbox.
When adding certain flags, a warning text appears.
Continue only if you fully understand the consequences of the change you are about to make.
To go back to the devices table, click Cancel.
If you wish to continue, click the checkbox.
To finalize the action, click Add Flags.
Remove Flags
Remove Flags.
Select one or more flags from the drop-down menu or search for a flag by typing in part of the flag's name.
Optional: Add a comment in the textbox.
To finalize the action, click Remove Flags.
Removed flags show up in the Flags History in the Information sidebar as gray text.