Feature: Firmware rollout
This feature allows users to create and start a firmware rollout on Controlant Saga devices.
Click Firmware Rollouts on the menu bar to get to the overview page.
Create a new rollout
Select the firmware version from the drop-down.
Give the rollout a descriptive name of max. 64 characters.
Add device IDs.
You can add device IDs in two ways. Pick one of the input methods by clicking the appropriate radio button.
Type or scan device IDs to the textbox.
If you are adding more than one ID, separate the elements of the list with a comma (",").
Upload a .csv file with the device IDs.
You can drag and drop or click "browse" to upload files from your computer.
If you switch input methods during the process, your previous inputs will disappear.
Click Create Rollout.
The system verifies the list of device IDs. Either all IDs on the list get confirmed, or the uploading of the list fails.
The list gets confirmed if :
all IDs on the list are registered device IDs
all IDs on the list belong to a Saga logger
all IDs on the list belong to a logger that is equipped with a lower firmware version than the version selected in Step 1
all IDs on the list belong to a logger that has not been added to a rollout yet
The uploading of the list fails with an error message if any of the IDs on the list fails any of the verification criteria.
The error message details the reason and the number of failed verifications. By clicking Download error file, you get a .csv list with the device IDs that did not pass the verification, categorized by error types.
Possible error types when creating a rollout:
Not registered device ID.
Not a Saga logger ID.
Has already been updated to this firmware version or a more recent one.
Has already been added to a rollout.
Using the error file, edit your original input and add the device IDs again (Step 3).
Create another new rollout with the same firmware version.
Go back to the overview page. Choose this option if you want to start the rollout you just created.
Start a rollout
Click Firmware Rollouts on the sidebar.
Find the row of the rollout that you wish to start.
Look for the descriptive name of the rollout in the Rollout name column.
You have the option to filter to the firmware version: click Filter by and select Firmware version from the drop-down list. Type the firmware version into the textbox.
Click the Start rollout button in the Started column.
Verify that you are starting the correct rollout.
the rollout name
the firmware version
the number of affected devices
You cannot stop a rollout that has been started. Ensure that you are starting the correct rollout before proceeding.
Confirm your intention to start the rollout by clicking the checkbox, or click Cancel to go back to the firmware rollouts overview page.
Click Start Rollout.
The overview page will show the updated Start date and Started by columns.
Cancel a rollout
Only a user with admin access can cancel a rollout, and only if it has not been started or canceled yet.
Click Firmware Rollouts on the sidebar.
Find the row of the rollout you need to cancel in the list.
Look for the descriptive name of the rollout in the Rollout name column.
You have the option to filter to the firmware version: click Filter by and select Firmware version from the drop-down list. Type the firmware version into the textbox.
Click Actions.
Click delete rollout.