Feature: Device detail
You can use the Device detail page to view detailed information about a single device:
General Details
Calibration Details
SIM & Modem Details
Data Package Details
Flag History
To open the Device detail page for a device, in the Fleet Manager, in the Devices page, do one of the following:
In the Action column for the device, click
and then click View Details.
Select the device and in the Information area, click VIEW DETAILS.

Quick overview of the status of the device:
Item | Description |
Device ID | Unique identifier of device. |
Operating status | Associated operating status: |
Type of device | Type of device:
Customer | Name of the customer account to which the device is registered. |
Device status | Status of the device;
Wake-up interval | Wake up interval set for the device:

General details about the device.
For items where data is not available, you will see: N/A
Item | Description |
Firmware Version | Version of firmware running on device. Note
Hardware ID | Unique identifier of device. |
Manufacturer | Manufacturer of device:
Active flags | Flags that are active on this device: For flag history, see ???. |
Last Wakeup | Date of last wake-up of device, in |
Next Wakeup | Date of next scheduled wake-up of device, in |

Details about the calibration of the device; when it was last calibrated and when it's due for recalibration.
For items where data is not available, you will see: N/A
Item | Description |
Last Calibrated | Date device was last calibrated, in |
Recalibration Period | Time until next recalibration of the device, in months. Indicates recalibration is pending. |
Calibration Policy | Calibration policy configured for this device - amount of time allowed between calibration:

Details about the SIM card and modem in the device.
Item | Description |
SIM Status | Status of the SIM card:
SIM Profile | Service provider of SIM card. |
SIM ICCID | Unique |
Modem IMEI | Unique |

Details about the device, from the last time the device connected to Controlant.
Item | Description |
Battery Status (CB) | Percentage of battery remaining. Date of last measurement, in ( |
Internal Temperature (LT) | Temperature in internal thermostat in device, in degrees Celsius. Date of last measurement, in ( |
Cellular Signal (CP) | Cellular signal strength of device, in percentage. Date of last measurement, in ( |
Voltage Under Load (VL) | Battery voltage under load, in volts. Date of last measurement, in ( |
Mobile Country Name (MC) | Name of country where device last connected. Date of last connection, in ( |
Modem On-Time (OM) | Time modem was on to connect, in milliseconds. Date of last connection, in ( |
Mobile Network Code (MN) | Code for geographic region of mobile network: |
USB Temperature (UT) | Temperature in thermostat in USB plug, in degrees Celsius. Date of last measurement, in ( |
Probe Type (PT) | Type of probe attached to device;
Date of last connection, in ( |

Detailed flag history for this device, in reverse chronological order - the newest flags are at the top.
You can filter the flag history for a specific flag.
Item | Description |
Filter by flag | Flag filter - the Flag history will only show the flag you select. Click to select the flag you want to see. |
Clear | Clears the flag filter. |
Flag history
Item | Description |
Change type | Type of change:
Flag | Flag that was added or removed: |
Associated Op. Stat. | Associated operating status: |
User | User name of user that made the change. TipPoint to the user name to see a pop-up with the following details about the user:
Comment | Comment associated with the change. TipCan e.g. be used for Jira ticket number of associated ticket. The ticket number will be a clickable link to the issue in Jira. |
Time | Date change was made, in |