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Feature: Analytics

In this section:

You can use the Analytics page to view detailed information about a single device:

  • One thing

  • Another thing

To open the Analytics page, in the Fleet Manager, do xx,

Date range

Fleet Manager - Analytics - Date range for graphs

Date range for all graphs on the page.

Default date range is last 7 days. Click to configure the date range:

Fleet Manager - Analytics - Date range picker



Fleet Manager - Analytics - Date range for graphs

Date range for the data in graphs on the page. Click to modify the date range.

Fleet Manager - Analytics - Click to filter previous period

Click to filter by the previous period equivalent to what is currently selected.


  • If you currently have selected a week, the filter will change to the 7 days prior to that.

  • If you currently have selected 10 days, the filter will change to the 10 days prior to that.

  • If you currently have selected 3 months, the filter will change to the 3 months prior to that.

Fleet Manager - Analytics - Click to filter next period

Click to filter by the next period equivalent to what is currently selected.


  • If you currently have selected a week, the filter will change to the 7 days after that.

  • If you currently have selected 10 days, the filter will change to the 10 days after that.

  • If you currently have selected 3 months, the filter will change to the 3 months after that.


Click to set the date range to the previous 24 hours.

Last week

Click to set the date range to the previous 7 days.


This is interpreted as starting at this hour on the same day of week in the previous week. If it's currently Tuesday, 13:30, the start date will be Tuesday a week earlier, 13:30.

Last month

Click to set the date range to the previous month.


This is interpreted as starting at this hour on the same date in the previous month. If it's currently 17 September, 13:30, the start date will be 17 June, 13:30.

Last three months

Click to set the date range to the previous 3 months.


This is interpreted as starting at this hour on the same date 3 months earlier. If it's currently 17 September, 13:30, the start date will be 17 August, 13:30.


Calendar showing selected date range.

To select a custom date range, click the start and end dates of the date range:

  • Left calendar - start date

  • Right calendar - end date


The maximum date range is three months.


Fleet Manager - Analytics - Navigation

Navigation buttons.



Fleet Manager - Navigation - Click to go back to previous page

Click to return to the previous page.

Fleet Manager - Analytics - Click to view details for this device

Click to open the Device Details page for this device.

For more information, see Feature: Analytics.

Temperature Data

Fleet Manager - Analytics - Temperature data graph

Graph showing temperature measurements from the device, in degrees Celsius. You can configure the graph to show one or both of the following:

  • Measured temperature

  • Internal temperature

  • USB temperature




Click one or more of the following to select the type of data you want to include in the graph:

  • Measured temperature (DE)

  • Internal temperature (LT)

  • USB temperature (UT)


Indicates what data is included in the graph, and the color of each type of data.

Y axis

Temperature in degrees Celsius.

X axis

Time - default period is one week.

Adding or removing measurement data from the graph

When you open the page, the Temperature Data graph shows Measured temperature (DE) data.

  1. If you want to add data to the graph, do the following:

    1. Click Fleet Manager - Analytics - Graph filter - expand to expand the list of options.

    2. For each option you want to include, click it.

      The data for that data type is added to the graph.

  2. If you want to remove data from the graph, click Fleet Manager - Analytics - Graph filter - remove item.

    The data for that data type is removed from the graph.

Tools for using graphs


You can configure the graphs using built in tools.

To access the tools, point to the graph. The tool bar appears.




Download current graph as a PNG image.


Zoom. Click button and select an area of the graph to zoom in on the selected area.


Pan. Click button to activate and then click and drag the graph.


Box select. Click to select a rectangular area of the graph.


Lasso select. Click to select a freeform area of the graph.


Zoom in. Click to zoom in to the graph.


You can use the FleetManager-Analytics-GraphConfig-Pan.png Pan button to move around when you have zoomed in.


Zoom out. Click to zoom out on the graph.


Autoscale. Click to zoom in to seven days.


Reset axes. Reset zoom to date range.


Opens the web page of maker of graph tool, Plotly.js.

Power Data

Fleet Manager - Analytics - Power data graph

Graph showing various power data from the device. You can configure the graph to show one or more of the following:

  • Battery charge (CB)

  • Cellular signal (dBm)

  • Voltage under load (VL)

  • Modem on time (OM)




Click one or more of the following to select the type of data you want to include in the graph:

  • Battery charge (CB)

  • Cellular signal (dBm)

  • Voltage under load (VL)

  • Modem on time (OM)


Indicates what data is included in the graph, and the color of each type of data.

Y axis

Depending on the type of data displayed:

  • Battery charge - percentage of charge - shown on the left

  • Cellular signal - fair to strong - shown on the left

  • Voltage under load - shown on the right

  • Modem on time - time modem is on to connect - shown on the right

X axis

Time - default period is one week.

Adding or removing measurement data from the graph

When you open the page, the Power Data graph shows Battery charge (CB) data.

  1. If you want to add data to the graph, do the following:

    1. Click Fleet Manager - Analytics - Graph filter - expand to expand the list of options.

    2. For each option you want to include, click it.

      The data for that data type is added to the graph.

  2. If you want to remove data from the graph, click Fleet Manager - Analytics - Graph filter - remove item.

    The data for that data type is removed from the graph.

Event Data

Fleet Manager - Analytics - Event data graph

Graph showing charging events recorded on the device:

  • Fully Charged CE:3

  • Charging Resumed CE:6

  • Error CE:5

  • Plugged In CE:2

  • Unplugged CE:1