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Shipments Ignore Period

In this section:


Customers can define a period at the beginning and at the end of shipments where the alarm functionality is inactive. During the ignore period temperature date is still being recorded and will be visible. The ignore periods are set:

  • At the beginning of shipments: The product is placed in a truck or package for transport that is not pre-conditioned.

  • At the end of shipments: There is a known delay at a destination from the time the logger is removed from the product until the Stop button is pressed on all loggers.

Setting the Ignore Period

The ignore period is set by selecting the Info window when creating a new shipment. When creating a new shipment, it is possible to select the ignore period for the start and end of shipments by selecting a value from the drop-down list.


The available settings for the Ignore period (start):

  • 0 minutes

  • 10 minutes

  • 30 minutes

  • 1 hour

  • 2 hours

  • 3 hours

  • 6 hours

  • Custom (up to 12 hours)

The available settings for the Ignore period (end):

  • 0 minutes

  • 10 minutes

  • 30 minutes

  • 1 hour

  • Custom (up to 12 hours)

You can preview the Ignore period by selecting the Preview window.


The ignore periods set for the shipment are visible in the Review and Confirm window.


Alternatively, the ignore period can be defined in shipment templates and pre-defined for all shipments created using that template.

Display of Ignore Period in Single Shipment View

Ignore periods are shown under the Info tab in the Single Shipment view, as shown in the image below.


Additional tabs displayed in the Single Shipment view include:


An event is displayed when monitoring starts/ends. There are also no temperature boundaries (dashed lines) on the graph within the ignore period.


Shipment reports

Ignore period displayed with a grey area on a single logger temperature graph.


How it works

When a shipment is created, all of the shipment configurations are sent to the logger, including the ignore period. Therefore, the ignore period operates on a logger level rather than on a shipment level.

Once a logger enters shipment mode by selecting the shipping method (Start button, Geofence, specify time), the ignore period starts counting. All measurements within the ignore period do not trigger any alerts.

See below an example showing a shipment with 30 minutes ignore period at the beginning of shipment.


Ignore period (end)

Ignore period at the end of a shipment is a bit different from the ignore period in the beginning because it is handled in post-processing of the shipment, i.e., after the shipment is delivered.

  1. The logger sends out a notification if an excursion occurs like it normally would if the time of delivery is unknown.

  2. Post-processing checks for and clears any excursion from the shipment that occurred during the ignore period in the end.

  3. The events generated within the ignore period at the end will not be cleared for the event log and excursion boundaries (see image below).
