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Access Management

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Access management controls what users, including administrators, can see and do with regards to shipments, locations and templates. Access management is useful when:

  • Users are not permitted access to certain shipments. Users are only permitted to perform certain actions.

  • Users are only permitted access to relevant templates.

  • Customers that have an extensive network can give users access rights that focus on relevant information.

Access rights

Access management allows account administrators to control user’s access rights. Access rights assigned to users are based on shipments and locations and are knitted together with specific actions. Users are assigned access rights to the following actions:

  • Read

  • Create

  • Modify

  • Approve

  • Delete


  1. User at a destination location can be granted Read only access to incoming shipments.

  2. User at an origin location can be granted Read + Create access to shipments leaving that specific origin.


User access to shipments is based on:

  • Shipments

    1. via Origin Location

    2. via Origin Country

    3. via Destination Location

    4. via Destination Country

    5. Global (all shipments)

The below graph shows how access rights are applied to shipments depending if the access right is granted via Global, Origin, or Destination:


Shipment access rights

The table below shows the available access rights granted to users for shipments and explains which actions they enable for the user:

Access rights

Actions enabled

Examples of shipments


  • Read access is fundamental of all other rights.

  • Read access is required to be able to view shipments.


To enable other access rights for shipments, users must have Read access to the specific shipment.



  • To create new shipments:

    • Create access to shipments via Global (All locations) is required.

    • Read access to locations that will be used in new shipments as origin or destination is required.

  • Create access permits the user to complete draft shipments.



  • To create new shipments:

    • Create access to shipments via Global (All locations) is required.

    • Read access to locations that will be used in new shipments as origin or destination is required.

  • Create access permits the user to complete draft shipments.



  • Allows users to inspect shipments.

    • Actions include:

      • Update inspection status.

      • Update shipment quality.

      • Add inspections comment.

      • Complete electronic signature if electronic signatures are required.

  • Manually closes inspected shipments.



  • Allows users to cancel shipments by deleting it.



Below is a screenshot from a shipping shipment. The screenshot shows which access rights enable which actions in the SCM user interface on the shipment object.


Access rights:

  • Deliver: Modify

  • Inspection: Approve

  • Cancel: Delete


Users can be granted access rights to locations via:

  • Locations

    1. Single locations

    2. Global (all locations)

    3. Locations within specific country

Access to locations provides users with information about the location name, address, and how many loggers are currently checked in at specific locations. It is recommended that users have access to their specific location(s).

To create shipments, users need access to their locations. To select an origin or destination location when creating a shipment, the user must have Read access to the locations. The system does not differentiate between origin and destination locations.

Access to locations within a selected country simplifies access control for users that need access to shipments and locations related to specific countries. New locations are automatically added to users' access claims.

Locations Access rights

Following are the access rights that can be granted to users for locations and which actions they enable.

Access rights

Actions enabled


  • User can view location and related information.


  • User can create new locations.

    • Rights required to Create new locations are:

      • user must have Create access rights to locations via Company Global. If user only has Create access right via single location, the Create location button will not show in the SCM UI.


  • User can edit location details, including:

    • Name

    • address

    • position

    • geofence


  • Approval rights do not grant any additional access rights for locations.


  • User can delete location.

Template Access Control

Admin users can control which users have access to the templates used to create shipments. Users can therefore only select the templates made available to them when creating a shipment. If a template shows Restricted Template under the Templates section in the Info section, the user does not have access to it. Users can only see the names of templates if they have been given access to it. With or without access, users can see the ID number.


Deleted templates will be shown as Deleted and the ID.
