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Comments tab

In this section:

The Comments tab is where users add information about shipments in the user interface (UI). It is available under the following tabs in the Shipments view:

  • Active

  • Inspection

  • Preparation


Accessing the Comments tab:

To access the Comments tab, select a shipment of any status (except Draft) under one of the tabs listed above, and select the Comments tab at the far right end:

Step 1: Select a shipment


Step 2: Select the Comments tab


The Read access to the Shipments view gives the user permission to:

  • View comments

  • Add a new comment in the Add Comment box and press the Post Comment button to publish.

  • Add attachment(s) to a comment by pressing the Attach File button.



  • It is not possible to post new comments or edit existing comments in closed shipments in the Closed (Shipments) tab as shown below:


Using the Comments tab

Editing comments:

  • All users can edit their comments.

  • When a comment is edited, the user interface (UI) displays the identity of the user who made the last update and when the update was made.

  • Admin users can edit comments made by other users.

Deleting comments

  • All users can delete their comments.

  • Admin users can delete comments made by other users.

In a comment, the following applies:

  • The name of user and timestamp is displayed when a new comment is created.

  • A maximum number of comments per shipment is limited to 1000 comments.

  • A single comment is limited to 10.000 characters.

  • A single comment is shortened if it exceeds 500 characters:

    • The Show more function can be used to display all of the comment.

Formatting a comment:

  • Comments are written in a rich text editor that includes the following formatting:

    • Numbered bullets with sub-bullets

    • Plain bullets with sub-bullets

    • Bold font

    • Italic font

    • Strike through

    • Embedded link

Attachments in comments:

  • Are limited to a maximum file size of 5MB (megabytes) in a single attachment.

  • Are limited to a maximum of 10 attachments for a single comment.